Blueberry Yogurt Parfait

blueberry yogurt parfait

Nourish your morning with a delicious, bright, and summery Blueberry Yogurt Parfait.

This parfait gives a boost of protein and healthy fat and is the perfect basis for whatever fruits and goodies you have on hand. I used blueberries, my “X's and Oats Granola Recipe”, and cultured-yogurt or plant-based yogurt to complete this dish.

Sometimes I add bananas too! Get creative!

Blueberry Yogurt Parfait:


1 cup plant-based cultured yogurt, cultured yogurt, or even kefir

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, optional

1 scoop plant-based protein powder, optional (if using, add 3 tablespoons almond milk to the yogurt)

1/2 cup blueberries

1/2 cup sliced bananas (optional)

2 tablespoons chia seeds or ground flax seed

3 tablespoons "X’s and Oats Granola


  1. Place the yogurt in a bowl. If using protein powder in this recipe, be sure to add the almond milk to the yogurt and protein powder and stir until creamy.

  2. Top with remaining ingredients and toppings of your choice.