May's Meal Delivery Calendar

April showers seem to be still with us in May, but at LEAST May has bought us...

The Dirt on Vegetable's "4 x 4 Meal Delivery Calendar."

Spring has sprung, which means summer is right around the corner. Are YOU ready?

screen shot may 2016

screen shot may 2016

I want you to feel great in your shorts, bathing suits, and sundresses, so let me pitch in and help you towards that goal. Sign up for my meal delivery service here in Manhattan's Financial District so you can get four meals a week that are designed to be consumed at your convenience during the week. These meals are perfect for either lunch at the office or for dinner after a long day's work. We are already approaching week two, but it's not too late to sign up!

Here is the cost break down for the rest of the month:

3-Week Program: $195

2-Week Program: $140

1-Week Program: $75



by maple gioga

by maple gioga

 The meals are plant-based, health supportive, and SO delicious. It feels almost impossible to eat nutritious and tasty meals on a regular basis with our crazy, hectic schedules, but the meal plan will have you eating dishes that do not contain any refined carbs, sugars, dairy, and meat.You have more than enough on your plate (no pun intended), so let me plan your meals and help you live a healthier lifestyle.